Did Princess Margaret Ever Marry Peter Townsend

Princess Margaret’s Complex Love Life From Peter Townsend to Antony Armstrong-Jones

Did Princess Margaret ever marry Peter Townsend?

– Yes, Princess Margaret did have a romantic relationship with Peter Townsend, but they never married. Their relationship faced obstacles due to Townsend being divorced, which was a controversial issue within the royal family.

Who did Princess Margaret eventually marry?

– Princess Margaret eventually married Antony Armstrong-Jones, who later became known as the Earl of Snowdon. He was a photographer and not a member of the royal family, making their marriage quite unconventional for that time.

What challenges did Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong-Jones face in their marriage?

– Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong-Jones faced opposition from various quarters due to their marriage. Armstrong-Jones was the first commoner to marry a royal family member in 400 years, which was seen as modern by some but disgraceful by others. Additionally, there were concerns about whether their temperaments, both of which enjoyed being the center of attention, would be compatible.

When were Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong-Jones married?

– Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong-Jones were married in the first-ever televised royal wedding. Their wedding took place after Queen Elizabeth II gave her blessing, following the birth of Prince Andrew. The specific date of their wedding is not mentioned in the article.

Did Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong-Jones have children?

– Yes, Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong-Jones had two children together. Their son, David Albert Charles, was born in 1961, and their daughter, Sarah Frances Elizabeth, was born in 1964. However, their marriage faced difficulties and eventually ended in divorce in 1978.

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The Real Story Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend’s Unfulfilled Love

Did Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend get married in real life?

– No, Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend did not get married in real life. Their romance faced significant obstacles, including opposition from Queen Elizabeth II and Parliament due to Townsend being divorced.

When did Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend’s romance begin?

– Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend’s romance began when she was 22 years old, after Townsend divorced his wife in 1952. Their relationship was initially kept secret but became public knowledge when a journalist noticed an intimate gesture between them at a royal function.

Why couldn’t Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend marry?

– Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend couldn’t marry because Townsend was divorced, and Parliament was not prepared to approve their union. Princess Margaret would have needed both Queen Elizabeth II’s approval and Parliament’s consent to marry, and neither was granted due to Townsend’s divorce.

What was the choice Princess Margaret faced regarding her relationship with Peter Townsend?

– Princess Margaret faced a difficult choice regarding her relationship with Peter Townsend. She could either renounce her rights and privileges as a Princess, including her rights of succession, to marry him in a civil marriage, or she could part ways with Townsend. She ultimately chose duty over love and decided not to marry him.

How did Princess Margaret’s decision regarding Peter Townsend’s proposal impact her relationship with Queen Elizabeth II?

– Princess Margaret’s decision not to marry Peter Townsend had a significant impact on her relationship with Queen Elizabeth II. It created tension and strains in their sisterly bond, as the Queen had to uphold the principles and expectations of the monarchy, which meant disapproving of the marriage due to Townsend’s divorce.

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