Can You Have A Pet Fox

The Legality of Owning Foxes

In most states of the U.S., it is illegal to own a fox as a pet. This is because foxes are classified as wild animals and have not historically been domesticated like cats or dogs. Some states, like Idaho, may allow people to own foxes, but regulations are usually strict.

Challenges of Fox Ownership

Even if it is legal to own a fox where you live, there are many challenges to fox ownership. Foxes are not easy pets to care for. They have very specific dietary needs and require lots of space and stimulation. They tend to be destructive when bored and have a natural musky odor. Their strong prey drive makes them inappropriate around small pets.

Ethical Concerns

Many experts argue that foxes do not make good pets and that removing them from the wild for domestication is unethical. Foxes are wild animals that may suffer physically and mentally when confined. Domesticated foxes retain many of their wild instincts and cannot be housetrained like dogs.


The only real exception to fox ownership rules is to be a licensed exhibitor, such as an educational presenter or fur farmer. These individuals may be allowed to keep foxes, but even then strict regulations apply. For most people, owning domesticated foxes remains illegal or impractical.

In summary, it is very challenging to legally own a fox as a pet in the United States and other countries. Ethical issues and practical problems pose significant barriers to domesticating foxes, even if laws in your area would allow it.

Domesticated Foxes

While foxes are not suitable pets for most people, some foxes raised in captivity have been selectively bred for domestic traits. The most well-known experiment began in Russia in 1959, breeding foxes for tameness. After decades of selecting the tamest foxes from each generation, researchers produced foxes that acted more like domestic dogs, seeking human interaction. However, even these domesticated foxes maintain many wild tendencies.

Proper Care for Foxes

For the few who are allowed to keep foxes, specialized care is required. Foxes need large enclosures with digging areas. Their diet includes fruit, vegetables, protein sources and a vitamin supplement. Daily exercise and enrichment is essential. Vet care requires an exotic pet specialist. Even with the best care, owning foxes in captivity raises ethical issues.

Owning Foxes in Other Countries

Laws regarding pet foxes vary worldwide. Some European countries have less strict fox ownership laws. Before acquiring any exotic pet, extensive research into care, costs, laws and ethical considerations is advised. Ultimately for most people, foxes are challenging pets best appreciated from a distance in nature.

#FAQ #Update #AdditionalContent

“Legal States for Pet Fox Ownership in 2023 – Wisevoter”

1. Where is it legal to own a pet fox in the United States?
2. Which states prohibit the ownership of pet foxes?
3. What are the requirements for owning a pet fox in Florida?
4. Is it legal to own a pet fox in Indiana, and what are the conditions for ownership?
5. What regulations are in place for owning a pet fox in Ohio?


1. It is legal to own a pet fox in fifteen states in the United States. These states are Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

2. Pet fox ownership is illegal in 35 states across the United States, including Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia.

3. In Florida, it is legal to own a pet fox if you have a permit from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Pet foxes in Florida require a large outdoor space with proper exercise, stimulation, and socialization opportunities. Owners must also adhere to regulations regarding vaccinations and rabies control.

4. It is legal to own a pet fox in Indiana. However, prospective owners must obtain a permit from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. Foxes in Indiana must be kept in enclosures designed to protect both the fox and its owner from potential danger. Proper care, diet, and attention are essential for owning a pet fox in Indiana.

5. It is legal to own a pet fox in Ohio, but strict regulations apply. Owners must obtain a permit from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and provide a safe and secure environment for the fox. Adequate food, water, veterinary care, exercise, and socialization are essential for the well-being of pet foxes in Ohio.

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#FAQ #Update #AdditionalContent

“Are Foxes Legal Pets and Are They a Good Idea as Companions?”

1. Can foxes legally be kept as pets?
2. Where is it legal to own a pet fox?
3. Which U.S. states allow ownership of pet foxes?
4. What are the legal limitations and restrictions on owning a pet fox?
5. What are the pros and cons of having a pet fox?


1. Foxes can be kept as pets in some places, but their legality as pets varies by location.

2. The legality of owning a pet fox depends on the country or location where an individual lives. In some places, it is legal, while in others, it is illegal or restricted.

3. In the United States, some states allow unrestricted ownership of pet foxes, while others may ban certain fox species or have restrictions in place.

4. The legal limitations and restrictions on owning a pet fox can include specific requirements for the type of fox, the number of foxes, and environmental considerations. These restrictions are often in place to address the potential environmental impact, disease transmission, and community nuisance.

5. Pros of having a pet fox include their physical appearance, lively personality, and trainability. However, there are also challenges, including their natural musky scent, destructive behavior, potential aggression, noise, and specific dietary needs.

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