A Crow As A Pet

Understanding Why Crows Don’t Make Good Pets Legal, Behavioral, and Practical Considerations

Do Crows Make Good Pets?

– Crows don’t make good pets because they get bored and unhappy when confined. They love to explore, solve problems, and learn how things work. A crow stuck in a cage will probably plot its way back out. Crows also prefer the company of other birds and practice communal sleeping in groups called roosts.

Why Is it Illegal to Keep Crows as Pet Birds?

– Keeping a crow as a pet in the United States is illegal due to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 (MBTA). This act prohibits the capture, sale, trading, and transport of protected migratory bird species without proper authorization from the Department of Interior U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. However, some exceptions exist for temporarily housing orphaned, sick, or injured crows, but this requires a permit and certain qualifications. Crows in captivity are problematic because they need to migrate, often to warmer climates during the winter months.

How Are Crows Different From Pet Birds?

– Crows differ from common pet birds in several ways. Firstly, many crows are migratory, while common pet birds like parakeets are sedentary. Crows can make loud cawing sounds that are hard to ignore, unlike many common pet birds with softer vocalizations. Additionally, crows have a massive wingspan, averaging 2.8 to 3.3 feet, making them less practical as pets compared to birds with smaller wingspans like canaries.

Can You Make Friends with Crows?

– While you don’t need to have a pet crow to befriend one, it’s important to approach them cautiously and consider local laws and wildlife regulations. To befriend a crow, try visiting it regularly at the same place and time, allowing it to become comfortable with your presence. Avoid forcing the friendship and give it time to trust you. Always check local laws and wildlife guidelines before feeding or approaching crows or other wild birds, as it may be illegal in some areas.

How Do We Know Crows Are Intelligent?

– Crows have been admired for their intelligence for centuries. They demonstrate problem-solving skills, such as adding pebbles to a water container to raise the water level. Crows also use different sounds or calls to warn of various dangers, showing their ability to communicate effectively. Experiments have proven their ability to recognize human faces, use tools, and even paint with a paintbrush. Crows are undeniably clever, but they are better suited as wild birds than as pets.

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Ravens and Crows as Pets What You Need to Know About Their Suitability and Legal Considerations

What Are Ravens and Crows?

– Ravens are larger than American crows, often seen flying with a partner, while crows tend to gather in larger groups. Crows are highly intelligent, capable of recognizing faces and participating in funeral rituals for fallen members of their flock.

Why Ravens and Crows Don’t Make Good Pets

– It is illegal to keep crows as pets according to The Migratory Act of 1916, unless you have a special permit. Both crows and ravens are meant to be in the wild, needing the freedom to fly long distances and socialize with their own kind. Confining them can lead to hostility and mental distress.

Their Beaks Aren’t Harmless!

– Ravens and crows can bite if approached too closely. Observing them from a safe distance is recommended.

They’re Loud

– These birds are known to be loud, but their vocalizations are complex and convey different messages. Trying to keep them secretly as pets is nearly impossible due to their intelligence.

Ravens and Crows Kept With a Wildlife Captivity License

– The Migratory Bird Treaty Act allows individual states to decide whether it is permissible to take action against ravens or crows found destroying agricultural crops, livestock, or wildlife. In special circumstances, a Wildlife Captivity License may be granted for scientific or exhibition purposes.

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Owning a Crow as a Pet Legalities, Species, and Considerations

Is It Legal to Have a Crow as a Pet?

– No, it is generally illegal to keep a crow as a pet in the United States due to the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 (MBTA). The act also prohibits harming or harassing birds protected under this treaty.

What Crow Species Are Legal to Have as Pets?

– There are a couple of crow species that are legal to keep as pets in the United States because they are non-native and not covered by the MBTA. These species include the pied crow and the white-necked raven. However, finding them as pets can be challenging, as they typically come from breeders.

Why Are Crows Not Suitable Pets?

– Crows do not make suitable pets due to their high intelligence and wild nature. They become easily stressed when not allowed to fly freely and may become destructive and aggressive. They are also vocal birds, which can be disruptive in a home setting. Crows are highly social and need the company of their own kind to thrive.

How Can I Get a Permit to Rehabilitate a Crow?

– To legally care for a sick, injured, or orphaned crow, you must apply for a Federal Migratory Bird Rehabilitation permit in the United States. Obtaining this permit can be difficult unless you are a licensed wildlife rehabilitator with specific experience working with crows. The permit has requirements such as a minimum of 100 hours of previous crow rehabilitation experience and the need for a facility that meets certain criteria. State-level permits may also be required.

How Much Does a Crow Cost?

– Pet crows can be expensive, ranging from $2,000 to $6,000 when purchased from a breeder. Additionally, you should factor in the cost of building an appropriate aviary and consider if you have the time and ability to provide the bird with a happy and social life.

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